進出口報關服務登記表 TDEC Registration Form

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Please fill in the form. If you want to use "iAM Smart", please click the button 'Continue with iAM Smart' to proceed.

Part A 個人資料 Personal Information
Personal Name
傳真 Fax No. 聯絡電話 Contact No 辦公室 Office
Mode of Receiving Tradelink Service Message
傳真 Fax 電郵 E-mail 手提電話 Mobile
Correspondence Address
(P.O. Box is not allowed)
香港 HK
九龍 KL
新界 NT
聲明人 / 機構地址 Declarant Address
不接納郵政信箱(P.O. Box is not allowed)
Same as Correspondence Address
香港 HK
九龍 KL
新界 NT
Assign Principal Contact Information for Government Communication
Information stated above will be used as Principal Contact Information for TDEC service
就進出口報關服務指定不同的主要聯絡資料 (請填寫以下表格)
Assign different Principal Contact Information for TDEC service (Please fill in below form)
Contact Person
(English) 電郵地址
(中文) 聯絡電話
Contact No.
通訊地址 (不接納郵政信箱)
Correspondence Address
(P.O. Box is not allowed)
香港 HK
九龍 KL
新界 NT
Part B 簽署人資料 Particulars of Message Signatories
English Name
香港身份證 / 護照 /
HKID / Passport / EEP No.
Authorised Digital Certificate Type
獲授權訊息簽署人簽名 2
Signature of Authorized Message Signatories 2
1 申請個人身份數碼證書 Apply ID-Cert
2 Digi-Sign ID-Cert:
編號 Serial No.
3 香港郵政電子證書 Hong Kong Post e-Cert:
請填寫/Please fill in E025 form
4 「智方便+」 "iAM Smart+"
-請附上身份証副本 Please attached ID card copy
1 申請個人身份數碼證書 Apply ID-Cert
2 Digi-Sign ID-Cert:
編號 Serial No.
3 香港郵政電子證書 Hong Kong Post e-Cert:
請填寫/Please fill in E025 form
4 「智方便+」 "iAM Smart+"
-請附上身份証副本 Please attached ID card copy
Part C 付款設定 Payment Setting (只供內部使用 For Internal use) Part D 用戶設定 Profile Setting
Initial Registration Fee
  豁免 Waived
年費 Annual Fee
按金 Deposit
Account Start-Up Fee
其他 Others
以下列方式支付 Pay by
支票 Cheque 轉數快 FPS
入賬 Bank-in3 現金 Cash4
付款週期 Billing Cycle
每週 Weekly 每兩週 Bi-weekly 每月 Monthly
接收政府信息 Receiving Government Message
語言選擇 Select Language
中文(繁) 中文(簡) English
接收方式 Receiving Mode
電子信息 Electronic Message 郵寄 Post
傳真 Fax:
電郵 Email Address:
Part E 提名積分計劃代表 5 Nominate Tradelink Membership Rewards Program ("MRP") Representative5
本公司/本人現提名下列的訊息簽署人為本公司/本人的「積分計劃代表」,以處理換領貿易通用戶積分計劃事宜。我們/我已詳細閱讀、明白及同意使用本計劃的細則及條款。此等細則及條款亦載於貿易通網站 www.tradelink-ebiz.com/eclub/chinese/ebizclub.htm 內。
We/I hereby nominate our Message Signatory shown below as our representative(s) for the purpose of making request for redemption for the “MRP”. We/I also confirm that we/I have read, understood and hereby agree to comply with the MRP Terms and Conditions which are presented on our website at www.tradelink-ebiz.com/eclub/ebizclub.htm.
姓名 Name : 電郵 Email Address :
Part F 服務登記負責人 Registration Authorized Signature
我們/我申請使用上列之服務並授權上列之每一位訊息簽署人使用其持有的身份數碼證書類別一分別地代表本公司/本人簽署上述指定之服務的電子訊息。我們/我證實上列資料真實及正確。我們/我已閱悉、明白及在此同意遵守及受有關印於背頁及詳列於貿易通網址之使用條款及細則約束。該條款及細則的文本詳列於本公司的網址 www.tradelink-ebiz.com/pdf/tnc_chi.pdf 內。同時, 我們/我已閱悉、明白並同意「貿易通服務條款及細則」內所提述的私隱政策。

We/I would like to subscribe for the above Service and appoint and authorize message signatories specified above to sign above messages with the above Personal ID-Cert class I for and on behalf of our company and confirm that the above information is true and correct. We/I have read, understood and hereby agree to be bound by the terms and conditions printed overleaf and the “Terms and Conditions for Tradelink Services” accessible at Tradelink corporate website at www.tradelink-ebiz.com/pdf/tnc.pdf. We/I have also read, understood and consent to the Privacy Policy as referred to in the "Terms and Conditions for Tradelink Services".
簽署 Signature
服務登記負責人 Registration Authorizer
公司蓋章 Company Chop 日期 Date
英文姓名 English Name 香港身份證 / 護照 / 中華人民共和國往來港澳通行證號碼
HKID / Passport / EEP No
電郵 Email Address
請填妥此表格,連同公司商業登記證 / 香港身份證副本、服務登記負責人之香港身份證 / 護照 / 中華人民共和國往來港澳通行證副本交回以下地址 。
Please return this completed form with B.R. / HKID Copy, HKID / Passport / EEP of the Registration Authorizer to the following address.
Part G 註解 Remarks
備註 1: 如有需要,客戶可以提供多個聯絡資料,請另外來函提供這些聯絡資料。
備註 2: 如訊息簽署人選擇申請個人身份數碼證書,請填寫《個人身份數碼證書申請表 D026》。如訊息簽署人已持有香港郵政電子證書,請填寫《訊息簽署人授權表格 E025》。
備註 3: 每位訊息簽署人均通過簽署本表格,表明接受於本表格列明之授權,並同意及遵守有關貿易通服務及身份數碼證書之條款及規則。此外,每位訊息簽署人須安全地保管個人身份數碼 證書,及無論於任何情況下均不能授權或許可其他人以其名義使用其身份數碼證書。每位訊息簽署人均可於任何時間以個人名義書面要求其名字在用戶公司之訊息簽署人授權名單中刪除。
備註 4:入賬後請提供銀行入賬紀錄。
備註 5:收據只適用於現金付款。
備註 6:所有貿易通用戶均自動成為「貿易通用戶積分計劃」會員。 用戶使用及繳付貿易通服務費後,便可累積優惠積分換領禮品。唯貿易通只會接受「積分計劃代表」所遞交的換領申請,請在本表格 E 部提名貴公司的積分計劃代表。
Note 1: If required, customer can provide additional contact information, please write us a separate letter providing such additional contact information.
Note 2: If the Message Signatory want to apply ID-Cert, please also complete an "Application form for Personal ID-Cert D026". If the Message Signatory already holds a valid Hongkong Post e-cert, please submit "Message Signatories Authorization Form E025".
Note 3: By signing on this Message Signatories Authorization Form, each Message Signatory accepts the authorization specified in this form and agrees to observe all relevant terms and conditions applicable to ID-Cert and Tradelink Services. In particular, each Message Signatory shall keep the ID-Cert in his own safe custody and shall in no event authorize or allow any other persons to use the ID-Cert on his behalf. Each Message Signatory may at any time request in writing that his name be removed from the authorization list specified by the Subscriber.
Note 4: Please provide payment receipt upon bank-in.
Note 5: Receipt is applicable for Cash payment only.
Note 6: All Tradelink customers are automatically members of the Tradelink Membership Rewards Program. Customers paid for Tradelink services can earn bonus points which can be used to redeem gifts. Only the nominated Representative of your company can make the redemption request. Please fill in Part E of this form to nominate your representative.
Part H 接受條款及條件 Acceptance Of Terms And Conditions


4.我們/我在此要求及授權貿易通向電子核證服務有限公司 (Digi-Sign) 遞交我們/我代表該表格(B)項所註明之訊息簽署人遞交其已填妥及簽署之申請表格及有關文件予貿易通之代理人電子核證服務有限公司(Digi-Sign),作為簽發保安編碼器(個人身份數碼證書)予每位訊息簽署人之用。
11.任何指示,安排與交易均為貿易通服務細則及條款所制約。該細則及條款的文本詳列於本公司的網址 www.tradelink-ebiz.com/pdf/tnc_chi.pdf 可供下載。閣下保存及/或繼續使用本戶口,即表示閣下同意及接受該細則及條款。

Acceptance Of Terms And Conditions
1.We/I hereby apply for registration to use the Tradelink Services specified in the Registration Form. We/I confirm that we/I have been given a copy of the Terms and Conditions of Tradelink Services. We/I have read, understood and hereby agree to be bound by the Terms and Conditions of Tradelink Services.
2.We/I understand we/I will be charged in accordance with the Standard Schedule of Charges for Tradelink Services unless otherwise agreed with Tradelink in writing.
3.We/I agree that our company/my information may be used by you or your agents for marketing purpose.
4.We/I hereby request and authorize Tradelink to submit the application forms duly completed and signed by the above message signatories together with all the relevant documents we/I submitted herewith for and on their behalf to Digi-Sign Certification Services Limited (“Digi-Sign”) as agent for Tradelink for the production of a Security Device (“Personal ID-Cert”) to each of the message signatories.
5.We/I hereby expressly authorize Digi-Sign and Tradelink to disclose the personal data of us/me and each of our/my message signatories kept by them to each other for the issuance of the Security Device by Digi-Sign and Tradelink's provision of the Tradelink Services to us/me.
6.We/I hereby authorize each of the above message signatories to on our/my behalf severally use and/or submit information through the particular type(s) of Tradelink Services specified and marked above against him/her.
7.If a message signatory authorized in Clause 6 above is holding or has applied for only one Personal ID-Cert, the message signatory is authorized to use that Personal ID-Cert and any renewal or replacement thereof for authentication of all information submitted through any of the Tradelink Services specified and marked above against him/her for and on our/my behalf. In that event, Tradelink shall notify us/me the particulars of that Personal ID-Cert so authorized upon issuance, renewal or replacement thereof which notifications shall be conclusive evidence of our/my authorization herein. If a message signatory authorized in Clause 6 above is at any time holding or has applied for more than one Personal ID-Cert, we/I shall notify Tradelink which particular Personal ID-Cert (or ID-Certs) is authorized to be used by that particular message signatory for authenticating information submitted through each specific Tradelink Services he is authorized to use on our/my behalf. Unless and until Tradelink receives our/my notice to the contrary, all our/my previous authorization (if any) in respect of a Personal ID-Cert shall continue to have full force and effect. We/I hereby acknowledge Tradelink’s absolute right to refuse acceptance in any Tradelink Services of any Personal ID-Cert which Tradelink consider not duly authorized to be used.
8.Each message signatory, authorized under Clause 6 above, is authorized to use the "iAM Smart+" specified for him for authentication of all information submitted through those type of Tradelink Services which the message signatory is nominated to use for and on our/my behalf. Unless and until Tradelink receives our/my notice to the contrary, all our previous authorization in respect of an "iAM Smart+" pursuant to this Clause shall continue to have full force and effect. We/I hereby acknowledge Tradelink’s right to refuse acceptance in any Tradelink Services of any "iAM Smart+" which Tradelink consider not duly authorized to be used pursuant to this Clause.
9.We/I agree to be bound by all actions of our existing message signatories of and incidental to using Tradelink Services on our/my behalf through their respective Security Devices (Personal ID-Cert) as specified in Clause 7 above and through their respective Security Devices ("iAM Smart+") as specified in Clause 8 above. We/I shall be fully responsible for all information submitted by the message signatories through Tradelink Services and authenticated by their respective Security Devices(Personal ID-Cert) as specified in Clause 7 above and through their respective Security Devices ("iAM Smart+") as specified in Clause 8 above, and all liabilities (civil and criminal) arising therefrom.
10.We/I understand and agree that the Security Device (Personal ID-Cert Class 1 and "iAM Smart+") will be issued to the message signatory personally, will be at their own control and disposal and will not be revoked when the message signatory left my company or otherwise ceased to be authorized by us/me. We/I undertake to promptly notify Tradelink in writing should any message signatory left my company/me or otherwise ceased to be authorized by us/me. Unless and until such written notice is actually received by Tradelink, we/I shall still be bound by clauses 6, 7, 8 and 9 above in respect of the message signatory.
11.All instructions, arrangements and transactions are subject to and governed by the Terms and Conditions of Tradelink Services. Copies of such Terms and Conditions are available from www.tradelink-ebiz.com/pdf/tnc.pdf. Our/my retention and/or continuance of use of the Account constitutes our agreement and acceptance of the Terms and Conditions.
Tradelink Electronic Commerce Limited
香港葵涌和宜合道 63 號麗晶中心 B 座 11 樓
11/F, Tower B, Regent Centre, 63 Wo Yi Hop Road, Kwai Chung, HK.